DO BETTER is a social & political justice project created to support the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. This one minute animation is dedicated to George Floyd, and all the families and people affected by the unjust violence and racism towards innocent black lives.
The Voice of George Floyd
Johnathan Fernandez
The Voice of Wisdom
Keesha Sharp
Directed, Produced & Created by
Andrea Fellers
Animated by Sam Maurer
Music by Craig Richey
Although a difficult subject matter, please share with your children, in hopes of teaching them to do better.
#BLM #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd #andreafellers #awardwinningfilmmaker #artistandindependentfilmmaker #keeshasharp #shortfilm #animation #animationfilm #craigrichey #johnathanfernandez #dobetter #blackhistorymonth #policebrutality #antiracismdaily